
Inflammation Increases pain...

Inflammation—Discover core adjustment. Reduce inflammation and chronic pain. Reduce chances of major health issues even death. Stop health crises before they stop you. Allow me to explain. But first…

More people died from asthma in 2000 than in 1970. Nearly 24 million Americans—8% of the population—have diabetes, according to statistics released by the CDC in 2008. (1)  inflammation plays a major role in these and many more health conditions. And there’s more…

Chronic inflammation. Inflammatory disease. Americans are getting sicker and earlier. Pain and suffering are on the rise. And we’ve come to this…The Opioid Crisis. Like me you can say no to pain medication and be pain-free…It’s time for alternatives…
With chronic inflammation your body is consistently on high alert. This consistent state of emergency can cause lasting damage. Uncontrolled inflammation plays a role in almost every disease including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and even depression. (2) But…
You can control that Inflammation. Treat the cause of pain. Disease. Disability. No more band-aids. Safe. Studied. Proven. Natural. Easy remedies for saving reviving and restoring health. Take charge of your quality of life. It’s never too late for improvement. You’re never too young or too old. Seriously. Allow your chiropractor to guide you. Give you advice on what you can do. Little daily changes to improve your health and rehabilitation. Next week…But first a quick note I ran across…
A study published in The Spine Journal reviewed multiple studies and found spinal manipulation, commonly utilized by doctors of chiropractic, is an effective option for chronic low back pain, reducing pain and disability compared to exercise and other strategies. Another study, this one published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, concluded that LBP patients who received chiropractic care were 55 percent less likely to fill an opioid pain prescription than patients who did not receive chiropractic care.
Chiropractic: good for low back pain and a solution for the opioid epidemic. Now that's a win-win for patients in pain and the health care system in general. (3)
Find out what you can do by yourself for yourself to relieve symptoms of pain...Be healthy and stay safe. More Information Best!

2. Why You Should Pay Attention to Chronic Inflammation, The connection between inflammation and disease, Health Essentials, Cleveland Clinic.
3. A Win Win With Chiropractic, Editorial Staff, To Your Health, March, 2018 (Vol 12, Issue 03)

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