
Opioid Addiction Part One

Addiction. The Opioid Crisis. Even short-term opioid use can be prescription for disaster. Please don't let this happen...

Addiction often leads to overdose. The Opioid Crisis. No two people have the same tolerance for prescription medication. Same health condition different effects. Our body is prone to degeneration. Noone is immune. Pain misalignment chronic pain and disease are around the corner. Let me tell you a secret. The aches and pains of aging can be postponed. Aches and pains reduced even eliminated. Say goodbye to anxiety and depression. It would be nice to be without prescription painkillers. And be aware of Individual medication tolerance level for painkillers. The point of no return. "Roughly 21 to 29 percent of patients prescribed opioid misuse them. Reduce inflammation the leading cause of pain. "Discover alternative to reduce pain and chronic pain. Discover natural alternative methods for pain relief. Reduce side effects. Avoid addiction. Dont become the next victim of the Opioid Crisis. Choose life. Safe. Proven. Pain free. Natural Alternative medicine. Pain free. No side effects.  Theres a choice. You have a choice. Save health and welfare. Choose a better life. Alternative medicine also called Integrative medicine according to Moyo Clinic. Read on in Part Two. Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255. Share this post with someone you love.

Website also available in Spanish and German.


Opioid Addiction Part Two

Opioid Overdose happens before you know it. Just five days can cause addiction. Let me show you short term and long term health effects of Opioid use. Theres an alternative so you dont become a victim of The Opioid Crisis. But first...

Between 1999 and 2016 over 630,000 people died from a drug overdose according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On average 115 Americans per day die of Opioid Overdose according to the CDC. Lots of people victim of The Opioid Crisis! The good news. But first. These people are...

People in chronic pain. Cancer patients account for 51% of prescription opioid medication for pain. And 66.4% were treating other forms of pain. Back pain including lower back pain leads the list of pain symptoms and chronic pain symptoms. Diabetes and other chronic nonspecific pain and arthritis require pain prescriptions. 1 The aging population including baby boomers experience degeneration misalignment disease and health condition than ever before.  Opioid addiction happens...

Prescription Medication. Pain relief feels good. Pain reduction welcome. After a while pain-numbing effect fades. Its called Opioid tolerance: The prescribed dosage stops working as well. You A higher dose of pain medication. Hydrocodone Oxycodone Codeine Methadone Hydromorphone Morphine Fentanyl.The narcotic pain medication available in the United States of America. 2

The dose increases for the same profound pain relief. Now dangerous high levels of Opioid  maintain the same level of pain relief. Now you become a victim of The Opioid Crisis. Don’t be a victim of pain killers and their consequences. You have a choice. There’s a healthy safe proven way to conquer your pain. Reduce inflammation disease immobility. Even improve the function of the central nervous system. Up to you to improve health and welfare without side effects. Treat the cause instead of the symptom. Health is your greatest asset! No more band-aids. Last week. Next week Part Three Pain Will Kill You.

Website also available in Spanish and German.

1. No Pain, Ekatetrina Pesheva, September 10, 2018, Harvard Medical Scool
2. Narcotic Pain Medications (Opioids, Analgesics,  Narcotics) Omudhome Ogbr PharmD, MedicineNet.com


Help Holiday Stress and Depression

Help For The Holidays Part Two
Holiday season. Perfection. Non stop activity: Shopping for the perfect gift. Parties. Family gathering. Social obligations. Eating. Drinking. More Shopping. Santa pictures. Traveling. Delays. Delayed flights. But perfection for the holiday season expected. Television says so. TV tells us about Scrooge. And who wants a Scrooge. No one wants Scrooge. Hurry get that new gadget. Thanks Giving sale. Black Friday sale. Big Christmas sale.  Buy now. Financial stress.  Stress and Depression rise higher and higher.  Add to holiday stress. Routine disruption. Overeating. Increase drinking.  Lack of sleep. And don’t forget loneliness. The Elderly are victims and so are Veterans. Let me share ways to prevent holiday stress and depression according to Mayo Clinic…
1.      Acknowledge your feelings
2.      Reach out and make a difference for someone.
3.      Be realistic
4.      Set aside Differences
5.      Stick to a budget
6.      Plan ahead
7.      Learn to say no
8.      Don’t abandon healthy habits
9.      Take a breath
1.   Seek professional;l help if you need it
Take control. Lower back pain, Neck pain. Your health will suffer. Enjoy the holidays from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years. Tell yourself you are in control. Remind yourself often. Take steps to prevent holiday stress. Holiday blues. Holiday depression. Recognize triggers. Positive thinking. You can do this!
There’s a disorder for holiday stress and depression. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255

P.S. Website available in Spanish and German.

1.      7 Strategies for a Happy Holiday Season, Abigail Brenner M.D., Psychology Today
2.      Stress, depression and the holidays: Tips for coping, Mayo Clinic Staff, Mayo Clinic, Sept 16, 2017
3.      Holiday Depression & Stress, Mental Health America of Wisconsin


Help For Holiday Depression

The holiday season is a time for family social gathering and holiday celebration. But for many people the holidays are a time of sadness grief loneliness stress anxiety and depression. You are not alone. 
The holiday season takes a toll. The results...Headaches insomnia stress and anxiety and more are the results. Gloomy weather cold temperatures and shorter daylight hours cause depression to increase. Many can relate to the pain due to changes in the atmospheric pressure and moisture. PAIN so bad you have trouble getting up in the morning. Add to that work of holiday festivities. And remember the food and the young lady with PCOS who so desperately tries to stick to stick to her plan.  Or the patient with diabetes. Pain anxiety and frustration are devastating. Dont forget seniors the most susceptible to holiday blues. Memories of happier times flood the mind. The mind remembers tradition and people that shared them. The elderly may find physical immobility mental impairment and increased pain preventing holiday celebration like years gone by. Memories can be devastating. Inability to function properly and perform activities of daily living brings frustration. A state of depression becomes common during the holiday season. But manageable because holiday festivities are all around. But please be aware. Suicidal thoughts and suicide increase after holiday festivities according to HCA. Allow me to share some reasons for holiday sadness…
·        Stress
·        Fatigue
·        Unrealistic expectations
·        Over-commercialization
·        Financial stress
·        Inability to be with family and friends
You are not alone. The hustle and bustle of the time between Thanks Giving and New Years is stressful and sometimes overwhelming.  Juggling holiday shopping parties family and friends with everyday obligations can feel impossible sometimes. Add to that the constant stream of holiday commercials. Consumer marketing brings more stress and fatigue. Sometimes you just want to scream "Enough already." You are not alone. Next week: suggestions to relieve holiday stress and depression. Need help now?  Suicide prevention hotline 1-800-273-8255

1.      Holiday Depression and Stress, WebMD
2.      It Is Alright To Be Sad During the Holidays, Accepting sadness is healthier than denial & key to progress forward, Judith J Wurtman Ph.D., Psychology Today, Dec 19, 2015
3.      Holiday Blues and Older Adults, Laureate Way, Laureate Group


Back Pain and Suicide

withdrawal, substance abuse, psy with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome PCOS. Woman with Polycistic Ovary Syndrome battle weight gain obesity physical physiological and mental health conditions. And chronic pain and health conditions are on the rise…
An estimated 45% of people who die of suicide see the doctor about one month before suicide. Twenty-two veterans die by suicide per day according to the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Chronic pain affects approximately 50 million.1  For your information:
1.      Pain conditions increase onset of suicidal thought and suicidal attempt.
2.      Extended Opioid use linked to increase risk of depression
3.      Presence of pain may impair detection of mental disorders.  May distort treatment. Think about it....
Risk and Warning Signs before disaster strikes include…
·        Suicidal intent: wish to die
·        Previous suicidal attempt: family history
·        Psychiatric Diagnosis: mood or anxiety disorder substance use disorder withdrawal depression
·        Precipitants Stressors Interpersonal: triggering event leading to humiliation shame despair2
I think youd agree this is more than a US Veteran issue. Suicide: a bigger issue. Suicide: a family issue. Suicide: a national issue! Make a difference for the one you love. Discover how to improve health and wellness. Reduce pain...naturally. Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

Website also available in Spanish and German.

1.     1. Prevalence of Chronic Pain and High-Impact Chronic Pain Among Adults-United States, 2016, Weekly / September 14, 2018 / 67(36); 1001-1006

2.      2. Suicide and Patients with Chronic Pain, Why Should We Be Concerned, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Reduce Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Symptom

Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease CVD. Yes CVD a serious disease needs attention as soon as possible. “Insulin resistance and hormone regulation are key factors.” Reduce symptoms of PCOS. Reduce further health issues. Prevent premature death. Let me give you a PCOS to-do list...
·       Diet Changes – whole foods
·       Balance carb and protein intake
·       Increase iron
·       Increase magnesium
·       Fiber to help digestion
·       No coffee
·       Soy products
·       Supplements
·       Adaptogen herbs – Herbs are not FDA approved.
·       Probiotics
·       Maintain a healthy weight
·       Balance your exercise
·       Sleep – Aim for eight hours.
·       Reduce stress
·       Limit or avoid endocrine disruptors
·       Consider Acupuncture
  As always speak with your doctor when it comes to PCOS management and healthcare!! This site is for information only.

P.S.  From experience, spinal alignment affects the central nervous system including PCOS.

30 Natural Ways to Help Treat Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), healthline

Website also available in Spanish and German.

...Posture And Health

Posture has everything to do with health and well being. Stand up straight. You've heard it before. Posture effects performance in life...