
What Should You Be Afraid Of

Aging brings risk of falling injury disease immobility disability and premature death. Most Americans most people not look forward to aging. Adults are afraid of aging painfully little by little one step at a time. But ways to reduce aging process easier than you think. Let me show you. But first...

Almost 38 billion Americans between 45 and 54 years old in the United States according to Demographic Statistics for United States. Please dont become a victim of The Opioid Crisis. Over 28,000 Americans die from Opioid overdose every year. Don't be the next victim of The Opioid Crisis if you dont have to. Your choice... 

Body degenerates naturally. Childhood accidents come back to haunt us. Inflammation pain falls injury diseases immobility disability. Can be a vicious circle.  But wait. You can make a difference. Prevent aging fast. Reduce inflammation leading cause of pain. Prevent degeneration. Slow degeneration process at any age. Avoid pain and suffering. Prevent immobility disability health condition premature aging. Return to activities of daily living. Turn health around. Discover why my purpose my mission can change a life.  Turn misfortune to fortune. Disaster to fortune. Turn tragedy into triumph. Now. Make the decision to help yourself feel better. Every little bit helps. 


Relieve pain and chronic pain. A TENS unit sends electrical currents to the targetted part of the body. The electrical current gives a tingling or buzzing effect on the skin. Electrical impulses reduce pain signals going to the spinal cord and the brain. The TENS unit is safe and non-evasive form of therapy. Known to relieve sciatica pain. Used in moderate to severe cases of neuropathy. TENS unit is used to avoid or reduce drug therapy. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
treat the following conditions:

  1. period pain
  2. labor pain
  3. postoperative pain
  4. joint pain
  5. neck pain
  6. back pain

Remember because everyone is unique we will experience different level of pain relief from TENS or any other pain reliever. Again I am sharing what works for me. I have had many surgeries and share what I've learned over the years.


Fibromyalgia Chronic Pain

Fibromyalgia is a widespread condition. Sometimes this medical condition only felt on one or more areas of body such as neck or shoulders. Fibromyalgia is a medical condition. People with Fibromyalgia have constant pain. Pain muscles and joints in body. Anywhere on the body. Symptoms of Fibromyalgia flare up random. Tenderness so severe can cause painful outbursts. Constant chronic pain escalates to severe pain. Chronic pain becomes unbearable. Approximately five million people in the US have Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia considered a growing epidemic causing widespread pain and challenges for patients. Not many doctors well versed in Fibromyalgia. The chronic disease often confused with MS of chronic fatigue syndrome. Fibromyalgia symptoms...

  1. Feeling Exhausted
  2. Pain
  3. Mental and Emotional Changes
  4. Digestive Changes
  5. Migraines or Headaches
  6. Insomnia
  7. Joint Stiffness
  8. Numbness
  9. Sensitivity
  10. Urinary Changes
Remember each person is unique. Each person will have different symptoms at various degree at different times. Fibromyalgia has no known cause. But recent studies show changes in the central nervous system.  Fibromyalgia has no known cause. Discover more Information and learn more to treat your symptoms here. You may also be interested in The Year In Review.

Website also available in Spanish and German


Essential Oils NOT Safe For You And Me Part 2

Essential oils and Pets. Your pets are family like my boy is to me. Some essential oils cause harm to your dog and cat. And watch out for puppy Cat more sensitive to essential oils. Bird not be around essential oils period... 

animal illness related to essential oils on the rise. Dont let this happen to you. Be careful to use essential oils as indicated. Always follow specific directions. Essential oils are concentrated. Dog and cat nose very sensitive. Use essential oils sparing. And always with water our carrier oil.  Dont take any risks with your furbabies. When in doubt ask your vet before using any essential oil for your pet. 

Your fur baby family like mine. Take care of them like family. You spoil your dog pamper your cat. Make sure your furbabies stay healthy. Make sure they stay safe. Be aware of harmful side effects. Pets may react differently to certain oilsLook out for these essential oil warning signs...

Look Out For:
  • Cats and dogs have an enhanced sense of smell, so using diffusers could become overwhelming.
  • Cats’ livers cannot metabolize some of the compounds in essential oils. Therefore, they may be more susceptible to toxicity. 
  • Clients should keep oils stored away from pets.
  • If a pet accidentally ingests essential oils, clients should call their veterinary office or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center. # 888-426-4435
  • Remind clients that animals react and absorb the oils differently than humans do. Any oils being used on or around animals should be diluted by water or carrier oil.
  • Some products are not made from pure oils; look for additional ingredients that could be detrimental to pets.
  • Some oils could cause chemical burns if applied directly to the skin.
  • Adverse reactions to oils include squinting, excessive drooling, scratching, increased breathing rate and lethargy.

ASAP Animal Poison Control:  888-426-4435

24 Hour Poison Control - NC Poison Experts:  800-222-1222 

I hope this post helps save lives. Follow me to get week health tips for you and the ones you love. Important phone numbers to keep on your refrigerator.


Essential Oil Safe For You And Me Part 1

Discover the benefits of aromatherapy. The veterinarian community is embracing essential oils as they have become more and more popular in the world of alternative treatments for health condition. Essential Oils diffused as Aromatherapy improve health and welfare of humans and dogs...

Benefits Of Essential Oils
Essential oils are safe for us but not all safe for dog and catTake note of which essential oils are safe to use for fur babies. Dog lovers take a look. Diffusers in vet office for keeping animals calm. Oder control. Additionally aromatherapy hydrates the air. Hydrates skin. Use it as a humidifier...

Dogs and cats suffer from health conditions much like pet owners do. Anxiety, Depression Lack of Sleep Hyperactivity. Reduce pain Inflammation Disease. Improve Health conditions Skin irritations Mobility. Healing properties of essential oils are not just for people anymore. Welcome to another natural alternative to some prescription medicine and over the counter medicine. Let Dr Janet Roark, "Essential Oil Vet," give you tips for your fur baby. But first...

Health is the greatest asset. Think about it. Is your furbaby happy when you are sick. Reduce risk of illness. Dont let your little one get sick. Think how you feel. Dont let this happen to you.

Pain The Silent Killer. Dr Janet Roark: Essential oils for pets.

Discover how to improve health naturally fast. And dont miss Collagen And Spine Best Kept Secret. Your health is your greatest asset. Stay tuned Essential Oils NOT Safe For You And Me. Discover my Website and Blog. Also available in Spanish and German.


Make Your Life Easier

Age Osteoarthritis Back Pain Plantaar Fasciitis Surgery whatever the reason for Chronic Pain its debilitating. Pain upset normal activity. Daily activity. Activities of Daily Living. Quality of life and longevity.  Make your life a little easier more enjoyable a little step at a time. If bedridden some suggestions...

  1. Position the things you need close to you
  2. Talk to your doctor about any movement you can do. A tiny bit is better than nothing. Continuous bed rest is an old adage. Move your toes. Move your legs. Move your torso. Make faces. Move your hands to the music. Just move something. You will feel better.  But don't push it! Easy does it...
  3. Read a book of interest
  4. Listen to your favorite music (sway or dance carefully)
  5. Crochet a string for your cat to play with (I did for my daughter's kitty)
  6. Watch nature programming on TV. Soothing!!
  7. Join the Senior Center
  8. Reach out to someone a friend to talk to. And should you need this...
  9. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 
  10.  Crisis Text Line
  11. Maybe you are in a similar situation as yours truly. That would be me. Work through chronic pain. Unwilling to give in to pain. And need a little help from a friend. Here are a few helpful hints to that save time. Make my life easier and a little brighter...
  12. Organize things so you reach them easier 
  13. Put things in the same place all the time so you dont get frustrated trying to find them. 
  14. Make your bed. It sets the stage for the rest of the day. A great book I thought.
  15. Make a list the night before. They can be anything. Check them off as you go. You will feel accomplished at the end of the day. Feel good about yourself!
  16. Bake two coffee cakes and freeze one.
  17. Cook double the recipe and separate into individual containers and freeze
  18. Get fresh air even if you just sit outside for a while.
  19. Organize your bedroom bathroom drawers...
  20. Get together with friends for board games
  21. Join a senior center. They have activities all the time.
  22. Get out whenever possible.
Follow me for weekly health wellness and inspiration updates.


Essential Oil For Chronic Pain Relief

There are a number of different oils you can use to ease relieve pain. Pain and chronic pain unique to the individual. Oils work differently for each person. You may also try combining essential oils to reach personal pain level relief. Discover which oil best for what condition. And dont forget Some essential oils hazardous to pets. Find out below. But First...
Pain Relief Only
Ginger Oil
Black Pepper Oil
Clove Oil
Pain Tension and Swelling
Peppermint Oil
Helichrysum Oil
Marjoram Oil
Pain and Swelling
Lavender Oil
Eucalyptus Oil
Roman and German Chamomile Oil
Rosemary Oil
Yarrow Oil
Tension and Swelling
Cypress Oil
Sandalwood Oil
Tension Relief Only
Clary Sage Oil
Juniper Oil
Swelling Relief Only
Swelling Only
Arnica Oil
Lemongrass Oil

Discover what essential oils can do for you. Learn why I know how you feel. Why I use essential oils to feel better. Then details about each essential oil. Find out how to use essential oils for maximum effect and safety. Learn more here. Not all essential oils are animal friendly. Save your fur babies


Constipation and Health

Poop. Not a popular subject. Constipation a terribly debilitating condition. This can affect health. Can become a medical condition. Discover how to avoid this health condition. But first...

Feel sick bloated nauseous lethargic dizzy feel like an explosion is imminent. Doesn't happen. Pressure keeps building...Constipation most frequent digestive complaint in the United States. Over four million Americans have frequent constipation.  

Constipation outnumbered all other chronic digestive conditions. The health condition is three times more likely in women. Likelihood of constipation generally increases 65 and above. In 92,000 annual hospitalizations, constipation was listed as diagnoses according to Epidemiology of constipation in the United States. About 900 people die from constipation related disease per year. Don't let this happen to you. Discover natural ways to relieve yourself of painful constipation. Find ways to defecate the natural way.  Regulate Poop and feel better. Here's how...

Natural Methods to help relieve yourself.
  1. Drink a full glass of warm water with lemon
  2. Get vitamin level checked. Sometimes eating fruits and vegetables isn't enough.
  3. Exercise Every little bit helps
  4. Morning coffee
  5. Prunes microwaved with a bit of water Start with a couple then one more...
Remember as we age the body doesn't retain moisture as it used to. Hence wrinkles. Eight 8oz glasses of water a day. More with exercise.  Older adults six to eight 8oz glasses per day. And don't forget Collagen


Collagen Best Kept Secret

When you were young in your teens you thought youd be forever young. At twenty something  you found time to squeeze in workout at the gym. Busy lifestyle makes six AM workout best. Or maybe six PM workout better for you. Or you think "I move all day thats my workout. Dont have time for the gym or I'll join the gym tomorrow"  But wait big problem we lose collagen....

Collagen for healthy hair skin and nails. Major ingredient skin care products. But not many know benefit of collagen for joints. 

Collagen levels decline naturally with age, starting in our 20s and 30s. Cells that produce collagen start to degrade and cells produce less collagen.
 ☹️Since collagen provides structure to your skin and body, when levels decline, joints become less limber. Stiff body becomes immobile body. Pain sets in. Exposure to the sun not good for the body. Sun exposure, smoking and drinking alcohol only accelerate the aging process according to 5 Undeniable Reasons You Will Benefit From Taking Collagen For Joints  Skinnyft Tyree Hicks-Perkins - Sep. 11, 2018
Natural Pain Relief Part One and Two will help reduce pain and suffering Now.

...Posture And Health

Posture has everything to do with health and well being. Stand up straight. You've heard it before. Posture effects performance in life...