
Inflammation Increases pain...

Inflammation—Discover core adjustment. Reduce inflammation and chronic pain. Reduce chances of major health issues even death. Stop health crises before they stop you. Allow me to explain. But first…

More people died from asthma in 2000 than in 1970. Nearly 24 million Americans—8% of the population—have diabetes, according to statistics released by the CDC in 2008. (1)  inflammation plays a major role in these and many more health conditions. And there’s more…

Chronic inflammation. Inflammatory disease. Americans are getting sicker and earlier. Pain and suffering are on the rise. And we’ve come to this…The Opioid Crisis. Like me you can say no to pain medication and be pain-free…It’s time for alternatives…
With chronic inflammation your body is consistently on high alert. This consistent state of emergency can cause lasting damage. Uncontrolled inflammation plays a role in almost every disease including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and even depression. (2) But…
You can control that Inflammation. Treat the cause of pain. Disease. Disability. No more band-aids. Safe. Studied. Proven. Natural. Easy remedies for saving reviving and restoring health. Take charge of your quality of life. It’s never too late for improvement. You’re never too young or too old. Seriously. Allow your chiropractor to guide you. Give you advice on what you can do. Little daily changes to improve your health and rehabilitation. Next week…But first a quick note I ran across…
A study published in The Spine Journal reviewed multiple studies and found spinal manipulation, commonly utilized by doctors of chiropractic, is an effective option for chronic low back pain, reducing pain and disability compared to exercise and other strategies. Another study, this one published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, concluded that LBP patients who received chiropractic care were 55 percent less likely to fill an opioid pain prescription than patients who did not receive chiropractic care.
Chiropractic: good for low back pain and a solution for the opioid epidemic. Now that's a win-win for patients in pain and the health care system in general. (3)
Find out what you can do by yourself for yourself to relieve symptoms of pain...Be healthy and stay safe. More Information Best!

2. Why You Should Pay Attention to Chronic Inflammation, The connection between inflammation and disease, Health Essentials, Cleveland Clinic.
3. A Win Win With Chiropractic, Editorial Staff, To Your Health, March, 2018 (Vol 12, Issue 03)


The Natural Pain Killer

Be on the winning teamReduce pain. Reduce inflammation. Infection. Disease. Prevent stress immobility. Premature death. Improve stamina. vitality. Productivity. Your health is your greatest asset! And it’s never too late for Improvement!! Let me explain. But first…

Inflammation increases pain.

Over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. Think about quality of life in the coming years. Don’t let pain and suffering rob you of your golden years or before. This is what your quality of life could be. Don’t let it happen.

59% reported an impact on their overall enjoyment of life.
77% reported feeling depressed.
70% said they have trouble concentrating.
74% said their energy level is impacted by pain.
86% reported an inability to sleep well.

prevent your health decline or stop it from progressing. You’ll probably need a hand and a little inspiration along the way. I was lucky to find help. I reclaimed my quality of life. And now I share my fortune with you. Take care of your body now and it will take care of you. Little changes in your every day life can increase mobility. Range of Motion. Hypertension. Obesity. Depression…bringing results today. Tomorrow. Next week. Next year five years…from now. Start taking action right now. I know you want to keep your mobility. Keep your productivity. And definitely keep your independence like I do. 
Medical doctors are becoming acceptable to the fact the body’s alignment plays a major roll in staying healthy. Case in point: After being denied for a procedure I asked my trusted chiropractor to forward his notes to the insurance company and after their review my pain management procedure was accepted. This means chiropractic is now being accepted as a safe proven effective natural method to control pain. I wish everyone knew this…
Your spinal column is a collection of nerves controlling movement of extremities function of your organs and the Central Nervous System. When these nerves become compromised due to injury or just aging inflammation increases. Pain increases. disease sets in. Degeneration and misalignment Increase more rapidly. It's inevitable. Pain Unbearable. Imagine…
Your lower back knees neck…complaining more every day. You’re exhausted from another sleepless night of tossing and turning. Your head feels dizzy. You can’t think clearly. Confusion disturbs you. Torments you. Life is a chore. Maybe you  feel sick from your chronic pain by now. Life's joys are a memory. “I’ve been there. I’ve lain awake at night. I’ve suffered. I’ve cried. I’ve agonized about what else to do for my body which was shutting down at an alarming rate.” Like a car the body is a well designed machine that degenerates and stops working over time. It's not pretty believe me. I was going down that road quickly until I found chiropractor.  I began researching and haven't looked back like thousands of people before me. I learned how to turn my life around with a little help. And so can you! 
There are so many benefits of chiropractic. Better health is possible safely, naturally and effectively. It’s not just about being aligned anymore. Chiropractic is about being at your own personal best. It’s a collection of adjustments to and for the whole body. Many easy steps you can do on your own. “It’s saving the quality of my life even as I write this blog.” But it’s really up to you if you want to decrease your misery. Look at this…
Aches and pains increase with age naturally. And let me assure you, you’re not alone. Statistics show that 50 percent of older adults 75 to 85 suffer from chronic pain. More than 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. I didn’t want to be a statistic or suffer any longer. I live with positive mental attitude and think you do too. Read on for reasons to visit a trusted chiropractor as soon as possible. Here's why...

·        For general wellness / disease prevention: 43.6%
·        To improve energy: 16.3%
·        To improve athletic or sports performance: 15.4%
·        To improve immune function: 11.4%
·        To improve memory or concentration: 5.3%

Decrease Pain. Stiffness. Even brain fog. Increase mobility. Function. Activities of daily living. Productivity. Even Memory. The Body is an amazing machine. I think you get the idea. And you know by now I could go on and on about the health benefits of spinal alignment and chiropractic. Misalignment of the spine affects the nervous system. But let me leave you with this for now...
Take care of your body now and it will take care of you later. Get your free chiropractor evaluation today. Make an appointment now. Feel better tomorrow. I think you’d agree you have nothing to lose. And everything to gain. Details
To your best health always! See you next week for details about the dangers of inflammation. More information

1.       Key findings from the 2006 Voices of Chronic Pain Survey (9), www.painmed.org, American Academy of Pain Medicine.
2.       Time for Chiropractic, to your Health, October 2017, editorial staff.
3.       Back Pain Facts and Statistics – American Chiropractic Association


Engage The Mind See What Happens

Engage The Mind...See What Happens
Recovering from surgery illness and endless challenges becomes easier. The road to recovery is blurred, scary and an uphill battle no doubt. Knowing you’re not alone is critical. Comforting. Knowing you’re understood is reassuring.  supporting. And no one knows challenges hardship and frustration unless they’ve walked in the same shoes. finding someone supportive someone to lean on is not easy. Think about it for a moment. A place to go to for a pick-me-up. Allow me to help you. Let me explain to you. Let me inspire you. 

 “Confined in a world of silence, she awoke after seven weeks. Ines experienced a kaleidoscope of life experiences…whose life is touched by apprehension, disappointment, pain, and torment….She met and surpassed her own expectations and mine as well…freeing her spirit through hard work, intellectual and personal growth and accomplishment…As a college student, Ines was determined to meet every challenge she faced.”
-Anthony J Mussari, PH.D. -
Professor and Chairman
Mass Communications/MediaTechnologies Dept.
Kings College

Follow results benefits and possibilities of rehabilitation from a spokesperson and a peer. Let me show you courage. Let me show you persistence and perseverance. Walk before you run. Allow yourself to feel better. Stories of struggle persistence and perseverance encourage inspire and motivate. It’s never too late to start your journey to better health after back surgery, hip replacements, neck surgery and more. Yes, I overcame those too. It wasn’t easy. Look at it as a challenge you will tackle. You’re a bull. You want to get back to your activities of daily living as soon as possible. Recovery also requires encouragement, inspiration and motivation along the way. Let me give you a little extra determination to win. Like this…
 “It’s your frame that controls your every move, gets you where you need to go whenever you need to get there. Without the care, your bones and joints all too easily become the limiting factor in your enjoyment of life.” (Nicholas A. Dinubile, MD with William Patrick, FRAMEWORK)
Now I prefer treating the cause of my pain instead of the symptoms. Maybe you can tell by now. You too can reduce medication. Why subject yourself to side effects and more when there’s another proven way. Besides having and being in control of the body is a good thing. Fatigue, hopelessness, including depression are in your control too by the way. Don’t let life pass you by when help is available….naturally. And not difficult. And here’s more…

Research shows balance and coordination, range of motion, flexibility and issues of back pain, neck pain, headache, sciatica and function of your entire nervous system hinges on the alignment of the spine.  Let me help you. You are too special to live in pain. You can recover. Reduce pain one step at a time. See about getting a free consultation with a trusted chiropractor as soon as possible. I did and it saved my life. More information


Reduce Pain--Instantly

Reduce pain. Prevent immobility. Chronic disease. Don’t let distorted nerve connections ruin you. Changes to the structure of the spinal column compromise the central nervous system. Discover prevention now. Don’t become a statistic when you don’t have to. You can control your pain and your health. Let me explain. But first…

80% of Americans experience back pain at some points in their lives. The number one complaint is lower back pain. Learn how to reduce—even eliminate pain. You’re not alone. You’re not the only one that wants instant pain relief. You’re not the only one who can. And…

It’s never too late to reduce harmful effects of subluxation. As we age naturally degeneration of the spine causes increased pain health issues and disease.  Don’t discount accidents and injuries from childhood either. Trauma of any kind likely causes impingement of the spine. Then degeneration happens quicker. Misalignment of the spine inevitable. Health issues run rampant. And—you may very well never be aware of anything before it hits you with a bang. The sooner you take preventative action the healthier and happier you’ll be. Let me explain.

A vertebral subluxation is the result of spinal bones with improper motion or position affecting nerve communications between your brain and your body. It’s a stress response. Muscles go into spasm. Spinal bones lock up. And adjacent nerves are choked or chafed. This interferes with the control and regulation of your body. This garbles communications between the brain and parts of your body.
Distorted nerve communications can be an underlying cause of many health problems beyond just headaches and back pain. And…

Your nervous system controls every cell, tissue, organ and system of your body. These nerve impulses travel through your spine. So having a spine free of vertebral subluxations is essential for optimal health.
Only a chiropractic examination can detect vertebral subluxations. And only chiropractic adjustments can reduce their effect to your nervous system, naturally. We have one body to work with. And only one chance at life. And…

I know you want to be independent and focused. Keep your range of motion and mobility for activities of daily living. You want to ward off disease. You want independence as long as possible. You want to enjoy your grandchildren. And you want all this and more— pain-free.
Discover symptoms of a bulging disk and more. Find out what the different levels of your spine effect different parts of your body. Learn how gentle manipulation reduces devastating effects now. This could save your life. I think you would agree you owe it to yourself. It’s saving my quality of life and could do the same for you. More information on reducing pain next week and here.

1.      What Are Vertebral Subluxations?, International Chiropractors Association

2.      Haywood Spine and Nerve Center Website, https://www.haywoodspineandnervecenter.com/chiropractic


What's New in Rehabilitation

Related image
Hello. My name is Ines A Hatch – aka Rehabilitation Copywriter – and I am the author of this Rehabilitation and Wellness Blog. 

I’m giving you information about health and wellness through eyes of a spokesperson. Someone who’s been in your shoes. Someone who understands your pain and frustration. I was given a second chance. And care enough to give back and make a difference. Maybe I can help you too. Reduce pain instantly.

When I started writing about Chronic Pain Rehabilitation and  Natural Health about four years ago now - it was a hobby – an experiment. And soon it became a “hobby with benefits.” Sharing explanation results and benefits of pain relief and rehabilitation provided encouragement inspiration and motivation for patients and families.

After a while I started attracting quite a few visitors from the largest social group, the baby boomers, worldwide. This is the generation that followed Rocky and Arnold Schwarzenegger. These are the people who strive to stay healthy at all costs.

Did you know that 85% of Americans alone suffer from back pain at some point in their lives? That’s a lot of people in pain who could benefit from natural remedies and exercise that does not require a gym or athletic equipment. And I’ll let you know who will tell you which particular ones will reduce your pain. But first…

Let me assure you I practice what I write. You see lumbar surgery hip replacements and cervical surgery caused me lots of pain frustration and anguish. Later, due to misalignment other health problems surfaced including Plantar Fasciitis. Discover how I reduce the symptoms of pain. you see I don't like taking prescription medication. I'd like to share with you what works for me and thousands of others as I'll show you. These are facts I've researched to overcome my chronic pain. These are real stories of getting back to activities of daily living. Let me share with you ways to get back to a better healthier you. And I don't mind explaining the whys... 

As you mature your range of motion, flexibility and strength become more and more curtail for your normal daily functions, happiness and ultimately for your longevity. Did you know you can improve your health, boost your energy, mood and ward off disease with simple exercise? But wait! Let me remind you…

Your arms and legs are connected to your spine, the foundation for movement. Your entire frame sits on your lower back, otherwise known as your core. It needs to be intact properly. And let me tell you from experience…

If your spine is not aligned properly your mobility and health will suffer and decline. It is in your best interest to visit a trusted chiropractor for a usually free consultation. Let a chiropractor reduce your pain and much more. Guaranteed! More information...

...Posture And Health

Posture has everything to do with health and well being. Stand up straight. You've heard it before. Posture effects performance in life...