
Back Surgery -- Last Resort

Causes of back pain start early. Silently. Most commonly in the lower back. The silent killer progresses. Day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year. Then Bang. Excruciating radiating pain.  Back surgery—Not so fast! Let me explain…
Back pain is one of the most common health complaint among adults in the United States. One half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. 1 Furthermore…
In a recent US online survey (Feb. 16 to 27 2017) of 711 respondents 18 years and older where patients suffered at least once per month from back pain were asked one multiple choice question. “Which measure proved the best relief for your back pain?” Their answer:  17% stated treatment by a chiropractor provided the best relief from their back pain. 2
You’re smart. There’s not just one reason for back pain. More than one reason for disease. Confusion. Depression. Immobility. Disability. Vision problems. And the list goes on. But mostly it can be traced back to the spine. The primary source of dysfunction of the central nervous system. The body degenerates at 40. Its structure becomes increasingly unbalanced. The body framework needs to be put right. Aligned.  Impingement and subluxation cause increased inflammation. Pain starts. Increases. Becomes chronic. Unbearable. And your central nervous system is in peril. Don’t let this happen to you. Please be proactive. Don’t wait. Get help.
Please do yourself this favor. Research and read...
1.     -  Back Pain Facts and Statistics, American Chiropractic Association
2.     -  Statistica, Best back pain relief measures among US adults 2017, The Statistics Portal, Health & Pharmaceutical, State of Health,


Why Body Suffers

Muscular and skeletal problems run rampant with age. No one’s immune. We’re in this together. Pain. Degeneration. Disease. Immobility. Disability. And premature death. It doesn’t have to be like this. Look and see who can help. But first…
It’s estimated that chiropractors treat more than 35 million Americans (adults and children) annually. Americans are realizing the importance of alignment for pain relief and health improvement. Chiropractors are used by all 32 National Football League Teams. 1
Chiropractors are highly educated. Certified. Most states require a bachelor’s degree in the sciences to meet chiropractic college prerequisites. Thereafter future chiropractors obtain their four year (D.C.) degree from a handful of accredited chiropractic schools in the country. Most programs include an internship or clinic to practice under the supervision of a licensed chiropractor. All states require chiropractors to have a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and pass a certification exam. In addition many chiropractors choose a specialty such as sports injuries or geriatrics. Or combining neuropathy with chiropractic treating nervous system and back pain conditions. More study. Additionally continuing education is required for annual license renewal in most states. And chiropractors generally attend workshops and seminars for newest development in developments in chiropractic medicine. Keeping abreast of the latest developments and practice is of utmost concern. Yes you can manipulate your physiological physical and mental function. Better health and welfare is possible at any age or condition.  But it’s up to you to ask...
A chiropractor diagnoses and treats muscular and skeletal issues primarily of the back and neck. Spinal alignment is the key to a healthy body. Safe. Proven. Painless. The natural alternative to surgery or prescription medicine. Experience immediate pain relief. From experience...

Website now also available in Spanish and German.
1.      Crunching The Numbers: Chiropractor Statistics (And Facts) – American Chiropractic Association

2.      Become a Chiropractor: Education and Career Roadmap, study.com


Neck Pain

Neck pain—a common problem for many adults at some point in their lives. Pain lingers. Progresses. Radiates into the shoulders.  Tingling. Numbness down the arms. Into your fingers. Don’t despair there’s someone who can help. Read on…
In 2012 nearly 51% of Americans suffered from neck pain. Keep in mind the increase in computer games… and cell phones since then. You’re smart. You get the picture. Don’t let this happen to you. Discover how to save yourself from debilitating neck pain. But first let me tell you a story.
Meet Amy a wife and mother of two active teens and two fur babies. Prides herself on structure. Does what she can to help her children succeed. Amy’s educated. Likes to be on top of her game. Her mind is sharp. On overdrive.  A bit of a perfectionist maybe. Everything is perfect until…Amy’s sleep becomes robbed by neck pain. She can’t sleep. Pain radiates down her shoulders. Arm tingling. Arm numbness. Arm pain. Then hand and finger tingling. Pain. And Numbness. Her patience runs short. Attention to detail fails. Her mind becomes blurry. Memory fails her periodically. Even the simple things are chores anymore.  Stress! Amy’s world is crumbling.  Pain ruins her life until she makes simple changes to her routine. First let me explain.
The neck is made up of seven vertebrae that range from the base of the skull to the upper torso. This vertebral column spine or core is designed to support the neck and provide range of motion for the head. Any kind of deviation is cause for health issues including migraines…disease disability even early death.
Back pain including neck pain is triggered by vigorous activities like lifting heavy objects bad posture even bending. It can suddenly blind you with throbbing or spasms stopping you in your tracks. It can also come on slowly until you’re screaming in pain. But don’t despair. Catch pain early…
Everyday activities can cause neck pain. Muscle strain can cause outright pain numbness or stiffness. Slouching. Bending forward head posture also damages your core support system. Pain is inevitable. Degeneration. The core’s natural curve changes. And there is no turning back.  And pain progresses. The body’s framework changes. Your mother was right when she told you to stand up straight don’t slouch…and keep your head held high. But wait. There’s hope. There are simple adjustments to naturally stop these painful debilitating conditions in their tracks. Let me tell you right now. But first
Back pain and neck pain affect all walks of life. Are on the upswing. Much earlier in life. Natural degeneration with age is enough to deal with. Added havoc to the frame should be avoided at all cost. And it’s never too late to intervene. Listen to who knows about the spine. The one who knows the impact subluxation and impingement have on the central nervous system. Be the next to experience immediate pain relief. Reduce medications. Find out what you can do yourself. Be the next person to improve health and wellbeing. As always it’s up to you.
·        Tense muscles mv vertebrae out of place—Dr Allen Mandell
·        Six Methods to Cure Back Pain, Meanwhlie.com
·        Use of Complementary Health Approaches for Musculoskeletal Pain Disorders Among Adults: United States, 2012, National Health Statistics Reports, CDC

·        www.md-health.com/Left-Side-Neck-Pain.html


Hip Replacement

Hip replacements deteriorate. Degeneration breeds misalignment.  Pain increases. Hip replacement surgery and rehabilitation is now performed in younger more active patients. The problem is that deterioration may be faster. Let me explain…
The number of hip replacement surgeries is growing at an estimated rate of 8-10% each year. Approximately 70,000 revision hip replacements are performed every year in the United States.1 Explore how a chiropractor can reduce the pain of misalignment. Read on…
A revision hip replacement replaces a worn out hip replacement surgery. Increased activity level in younger patients with unrestricted activities makes loosening of the prosthesis a greater possibility.  Combined with a high BMI makes the risk even higher. There may be no apparent symptoms for some ears. Then discomfort in the hip or knee escalates. Pain follows. Followed by feeling the hip or knee gives way. Hip Replacements Wear Out because…
·        Aseptic loosening (hip implant becomes loose within the bone)
·        Infection
·        Breaking of the prosthesis
·        Breaking of the bone around the prosthesis
·        Other complications
A problem with revision hip replacement is that the surgery itself can be more complicated. The patient is generally older and effects of surgery are more significant. Therefore the necessary rehabilitation may be more of an obstacle postoperative. Revision hips replacements are generally not as good as the first hip replacement. Quality of the bone. Ability to adequately secure the revision hip replacements into position. More extensive surgery. 2
Researchers are constantly exploring new technologies. But every effort should be made to delay the replacement. Pain relief is near. You’re not alone.
1.       Revision or Second Hip Replacement Surgery, verywell health
2.       Muger P, Roder C, Ackermann-LiebrichU, Busato A, Patient-related risk factors leading to aseptic stem loosening in total hip arthroplasty: a case-control study of 5,035 patients, National Library of Medicine, National Institute of Health


Faces of Pain - Mom Dad Daughter...

Faces of Pain
Pain on the highway. Picking up speed. Symptoms of pain at your doorstep. Knocking at your door. Allow me to explain. But first look…
According to the National Center for Health Statistics (2006) one in four Americans approximately 76.2 million people have suffered from pain that lasts longer than 24 hours. And then there’s progressive pain. Chronic pain lasting more than three months is most common cause of long-term disability. 1 Beware of these signs when communicating with loved ones.
·       Facial grimacing                                                
·       Writhing or constant shifting in bed.
·       Moaning
·       Whimpering
·       Restlessness or agitation 2
Your smart. Spinal misalignment disrupt function. Disruption central nervous system. Blood flow disruption. Fibromyalgia. Sciatica. Your going to get a handle on this debilitating painful condition. Because you can. Keep a record of your pain. Date. Time.  Location. Level of pain. And medication and treatment given. Take charge. Focus on recovery. Rehabilitation. Positive attitude moves you forward. Allow a trusted chiropractor to treat the cause of pain instead of just treating the symptoms of pain. Be in charge. Make a pain chart…
·       Time of day
·       Position (s) causing most pain
·       Mobility issues
·       Concentration…
·       Pain severity
·       Former treatments and medications…
A trusted chiropractor will assess your pain at every visit. Express all symptoms every time. Do yourself a favor. Write them down. Don’t wait. Prolonging misalignment of the spine aggravates the central nervous system. Degeneration of the spine starts at 40Dominoes fall. Pain increases. Misalignment progresses. Health conditions mobility ability worsens!

Website now available in Spanish and German.

1.       NHI Fact Sheets – Pain Management, US Department of Health & Human Services

2.       Use These Helpful Tips for Recognizing and Assessing Pain, Angela Morrow, RN, updated February 24, 2018

...Posture And Health

Posture has everything to do with health and well being. Stand up straight. You've heard it before. Posture effects performance in life...