
Engage The Mind See What Happens

Engage The Mind...See What Happens
Recovering from surgery illness and endless challenges becomes easier. The road to recovery is blurred, scary and an uphill battle no doubt. Knowing you’re not alone is critical. Comforting. Knowing you’re understood is reassuring.  supporting. And no one knows challenges hardship and frustration unless they’ve walked in the same shoes. finding someone supportive someone to lean on is not easy. Think about it for a moment. A place to go to for a pick-me-up. Allow me to help you. Let me explain to you. Let me inspire you. 

 “Confined in a world of silence, she awoke after seven weeks. Ines experienced a kaleidoscope of life experiences…whose life is touched by apprehension, disappointment, pain, and torment….She met and surpassed her own expectations and mine as well…freeing her spirit through hard work, intellectual and personal growth and accomplishment…As a college student, Ines was determined to meet every challenge she faced.”
-Anthony J Mussari, PH.D. -
Professor and Chairman
Mass Communications/MediaTechnologies Dept.
Kings College

Follow results benefits and possibilities of rehabilitation from a spokesperson and a peer. Let me show you courage. Let me show you persistence and perseverance. Walk before you run. Allow yourself to feel better. Stories of struggle persistence and perseverance encourage inspire and motivate. It’s never too late to start your journey to better health after back surgery, hip replacements, neck surgery and more. Yes, I overcame those too. It wasn’t easy. Look at it as a challenge you will tackle. You’re a bull. You want to get back to your activities of daily living as soon as possible. Recovery also requires encouragement, inspiration and motivation along the way. Let me give you a little extra determination to win. Like this…
 “It’s your frame that controls your every move, gets you where you need to go whenever you need to get there. Without the care, your bones and joints all too easily become the limiting factor in your enjoyment of life.” (Nicholas A. Dinubile, MD with William Patrick, FRAMEWORK)
Now I prefer treating the cause of my pain instead of the symptoms. Maybe you can tell by now. You too can reduce medication. Why subject yourself to side effects and more when there’s another proven way. Besides having and being in control of the body is a good thing. Fatigue, hopelessness, including depression are in your control too by the way. Don’t let life pass you by when help is available….naturally. And not difficult. And here’s more…

Research shows balance and coordination, range of motion, flexibility and issues of back pain, neck pain, headache, sciatica and function of your entire nervous system hinges on the alignment of the spine.  Let me help you. You are too special to live in pain. You can recover. Reduce pain one step at a time. See about getting a free consultation with a trusted chiropractor as soon as possible. I did and it saved my life. More information

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