
Sciatica Pain Progression

Sciatic nerve pain ranges from uncomfortable to debilitating. Symptoms make it hard to sit stand and walk. And pain is progressive.  Don’t wait until symptoms don’t let you get through the day. Allow me to explain what to look for. But first…
Sciatica has been reported to occur in one to 10 % of the population most commonly in people age 25 to 45. 1
Sciatica can be felt through the entire lower body. Life becomes increasingly challenging. Pain typically progresses in the lower back into buttocks back of the legs and into feet. Symptoms are usually on one side of the body. But both sides can be affected. Maybe you know someone in discomfort or agonizing pain. 2
·        Traveling and shooting pain
·        Tingling burning numbness
·        Muscle weakness and loss of mobility
·        Discomfort near the hip bone or in the glute muscles
·        Difficulty sitting or standing
Sciatica symptoms vary based on where the compressed nerve root is located. Five nerves bundle together to form the sciatic nerve.  This bundle branches out again within the leg to deliver motor and sensory functions to specific destinations in the leg and foot.3 Pain subsides when lying down or walking.  And worsens standing and sitting. And varies from numbness to sharp searing shooting pain. Symptoms of pain may intensify during sudden movements. A mere sneeze or cough changing positions or moving from a sitting to standing position. Don’t be caught by surprise…
Sciatica has alternative treatments to reduce pain. Contact a trusted chiropractor for the cause of sciatic pain symptoms like I did. A painless safe proven natural alternative.  Treat the cause of pain not the symptoms. Pain reduction instantly. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
1. Sciatica, www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000686.htm
2.  Sciatica Symptoms, Laser Spine Institute

3.  Spine Health, Sciatica Symptoms, Stephen H Hochschuler, MD   

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