
Constipation and Health

Poop. Not a popular subject. Constipation a terribly debilitating condition. This can affect health. Can become a medical condition. Discover how to avoid this health condition. But first...

Feel sick bloated nauseous lethargic dizzy feel like an explosion is imminent. Doesn't happen. Pressure keeps building...Constipation most frequent digestive complaint in the United States. Over four million Americans have frequent constipation.  

Constipation outnumbered all other chronic digestive conditions. The health condition is three times more likely in women. Likelihood of constipation generally increases 65 and above. In 92,000 annual hospitalizations, constipation was listed as diagnoses according to Epidemiology of constipation in the United States. About 900 people die from constipation related disease per year. Don't let this happen to you. Discover natural ways to relieve yourself of painful constipation. Find ways to defecate the natural way.  Regulate Poop and feel better. Here's how...

Natural Methods to help relieve yourself.
  1. Drink a full glass of warm water with lemon
  2. Get vitamin level checked. Sometimes eating fruits and vegetables isn't enough.
  3. Exercise Every little bit helps
  4. Morning coffee
  5. Prunes microwaved with a bit of water Start with a couple then one more...
Remember as we age the body doesn't retain moisture as it used to. Hence wrinkles. Eight 8oz glasses of water a day. More with exercise.  Older adults six to eight 8oz glasses per day. And don't forget Collagen

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