
Osteoarthritis and Chiropractic

Life is good until pain sets in.  Structure of the body breaks down.  Chronic pain increases as degeneration progresses. Reduce health and welfare. Quality of life declines. Discover how to reduce pain. Reduce inflammation. Treat the cause of pain naturally. Listen to the body. Let me explain. But first…
Osteoarthritis affects over 30 million US adults. Osteoarthritis is caused by damage to cartilage between bones. Degeneration stars at age 40. No one is immune. Chiropractic can reduce cause of degeneration. Find out how. But first…
The risk factors for Osteoarthritis:
·        Joint injury or overuse
·        Age
·        Gender (women more than men over 50)
·        Obesity
·        Genetics
·        Race (Some Asian populations have a lower risk for OA)
Osteoarthritis can cause severe joint pain swelling and stiffness. “It feels like hip replacement is broken or knee gives way.” Reduced mobility. Reduced function and disability. 1 Watch for further structural misalignment subluxation continuous health problems and mounting health conditions. More pain. But here’s the good news…
Chiropractors focus on the relationships between structure and function, explains Robert Hayden DC, PHD, a spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association who has been in private practice for 22 years…If the structure of a joint is not right then it can’t work as it was designed. “The place where chiropractic really shines is in maximizing the function of the arthritic joint,” he adds. “Our goal is to restore function so they can have the kind of life they want.” And…
Chiropractors Do More than Adjustments
Dr. Hayden agrees that inflamed joints should be “off-limits,” but notes that chiropractors offer several adjunctive therapies that can help.
·        Ultrasound.
·        Electrotherapy.
·        Low-level Laser or “cold-laser.”
·        Infrared sauna
…Treating the surrounding tissues may significantly reduce overall pain according to David Feschuk, DC. Do yourself a favor and get help for pain before it ruins you.  Your mobility. Your activities. Your vitality.  Your productivity.  Your mind. Your way of life.  You can help yourself prevent disease immobility and disability. I can help you make a difference. But the bottom line. It’s up to you.  

2.  How Chiropractors Can Help Pain, Carolyn Sayre, Arthritis Foundation

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