
Spinal alignment -- What the Doctor Ordered

Blood flow—life of the central nervous system. The body—an intricately balanced machine. Blood flow through nerves possesses energy and information. Disruption causes disturbance of the intricately balanced system including the brain. Life itself is in jeopardy. Allow me to explain. But first…

Cardiavascular disease accounts for nearly one in every three deaths in the US. About 2,300 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day. An average of one death every 38 seconds. (1) 

You love your car. You want your automobile to run smoothly. You provide the best care. Regular tune-ups. Your body deserves maintenance too. Health is your greatest asset. Energy diminishes from subluxation. Cells tissues and organs break down. Next…

Chronic pain. Disease. Immobility. Disability. At your doorstep! As we age degeneration naturally disrupts optimum blood flow. Energy decreases. Misalignment impingement inflammation increases. It happens to all of us starting at 40. And don’t discount childhood mishaps. Disruption of the spinal column at any age in any way is detrimental to health and welfare.

·        For general wellness / disease prevention: 43.6%
·        To improve energy: 16.3%
·        To improve athletic or sports performance: 15.4%
·        To improve immune function: 11.4%
·        To improve memory or concentration: 5.3% (2)

Take charge now. Increase blood flow. Increase energy. Increase productivity. Eradicate the cause of pain. Choke chronic pain. Do yourself and a friend a favor. Let me explain the reasons for visiting a chiropractor as soon as possible. 
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

1. Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics 2018 At-a-Glance, The American Heart Association
2. Time for Chiropractic, to your Health, October 2017, editorial staff.

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